Wednesday, May 07, 2008

McCain v. Obama on judges

I agree with Jennifer Rubin, who wrote the following today on the "Contentions" blog:

In the back and forth between John McCain and the Democrats over today’s speech on judges, Barack Obama’s campaign chief uttered this unintentionally incriminating comment:

Barack Obama has always believed that our courts should stand up for social and economic justice, and what’s truly elitist is to appoint judges who will protect the powerful and leave ordinary Americans to fend for themselves.
Actually, judges aren’t supposed to stand up for some poorly defined notion of social–let alone economic–justice. The job of federal court judges is to interpret the Constitution and statutes. As for letting people “fend for themselves,” there are two other branches of government out there (you’ve heard of them, maybe?) which spend quite a bit of time attempting to achieve social fairness and practicing economic redistribution.

So, if McCain’s staffers were smart, they’d respond to David Axelrod’s confession that his boss believes in judicial imperialism with: “See, told you so.”

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