Friday, June 27, 2008

Denver or St. Paul?

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Democratic National Convention issued the following mandates:

No fried food. And, on the theory that nutritious food is more vibrant, each meal should include "at least three of the following colors: red, green, yellow, blue/purple, and white." (Garnishes don't count.) At least 70% of ingredients should be organic or grown locally, to minimize emissions from fuel burned during transportation.

The DNC has also ordered baseball caps made of organic cotton by unionized labor and will use "biofuel made from beer waste to power the convention's fleet of flex-fuel vehicles," according to the Journal.

Denver's mayor John Hickenlooper says that the Democrats' green convention is a display of "the new patriotism".

One wonders what Mayor Hickenlooper must think about the patriotism of Republicans gathering in Minnesota. The St. Paul city council has voted in favor permitting bars to close at 4 a.m. during the Republican National Convention, and the RNC spokemsan says Republicans will be "drinking our beer, not burning it."

And what will the Democratic food police think of all the Republicans heading to Minnesota State Fair, where gluttons will be chowing down a few deep fried Twinkies, or, for those preferring lighter fare, deep fried cheese curds and a pork chop on a stick?

I, for one, would rather be in St. Paul.

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