Monday, July 21, 2008

McCain's VP this week?

Robert Novak is reporting that McCain may name his running mate this week. There has been lots of speculation about Mitt Romney.

Please not Romney. Although he is a millionaire, he proved himself to be an ineffective candidate in the primaries, his only success being in caucus states, Massachusetts and Michigan (where he grew up). He had a notable lack of success in the south, and that might put the south in play.

If it is not going to be my friend Tim Pawlenty, please let it be Alaska governor Sarah Palin. It would knock the political world on its ear to have an attractive Alasksan who likes hunting, fishing, and oil drilling. Better yet, make the announcement in front of a group of cheering Alaskan oil workers.

C'mon McCain. Palin for VP. Look to Alaska.


Ted said...

Yah, please let it be Alaska Gov Sarah Palin. Here's the Palin theme song for the Republican National Convention when she appears:

Ted said...

Here’s the theme song when Sarah Palin makes her Veep center stage appearance at the Republican National Convention later this summer:

Oh, and yes it IS gonna be Palin. McCain’s already got this new ad up which essentially announces Palin as his pick (without ever having to mention her name).

It’s even got the McCain/Palin campaign slogan vs. Obama: “Don’t hope for new energy, vote for it.” –-