Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations to Senator Obama

on his historic election. Let's hope he governs as a moderate and not as a far-left liberal.

I think President Obama will quickly discover that our enemies are still out there, and his gauzy talk about talking with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela will quickly become inoperative. He will quickly discover that withdrawing 10,000 troops a month from Iraq may not be prudent or wise. He will discover that you just can't close Guantanamo and let our enemies go free. He will, as Joe Biden predicted, face an international crisis within his first six months. I hope he keeps Secretary of Defense Gates on.

And of course, Senate Republicans should support him when they can, and filibuster like H*ll when Obama and congressional liberals try to pass some of the more hare-brained items on their agenda.

1 comment:

Dave Aronson said...

IMHO, he might actually get somewhere with Venezuela. IIRC, Chavez focused most of his rhetoric on Bush personally, not the USA as a whole, nor Americans as a people. This is quite different from the usual Middle East chants of "Death to America and Israel!" or the Kruschevian "We will bury you!".

I could easily see relations with Venezuela warming, especially if Obama reduces our activity in Afghanistan and Iraq, and other foreign actions. (Whether these things would be good or bad in and of themselves, is an entirely separate question.)