Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin, a great choice

Although my friend Tim Pawlenty did not get selected, I can enthusiastically back Sarah Palin for Vice President.

First, as governor of Alaska, she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined. She has shown herself to be good on ethics, even taking on the incumbent governor and defeating him. She favors domestic oil drilling, which would help on energy independence. She is rock solid on life issue (and lives it, choosing not to abort a child with Down syndrome). She is an avid hunter and fisherman, and supports the Second Amendment. She supports the military (and lives it--her son is in the Army and will soon be going to Iraq). Like McCain, she walks the walk, and does not just talk the talk.

Politically, she will attract women (particularly Hillary supporters), suburban hockey moms, union households, hunters, fisherman, and young people. Her western point of view should help in Colorado and New Mexico. Her reformist persona and her hockey mom image should help in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin New Hampshire, and Michigan. Truly a home run for McCain.

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