Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tim Pawlenty, a great choice

I was a classmate of Tim Pawlenty and Mary Anderson Pawlenty at the University of Minnesota Law School. Tim was one of the first people I met, very gregarious but very down to earth. We studied law in the friendly boot-camp atmosphere at the U of M, and then headed over to Bullwinkle's or Sargeant Preston's saloon for beers. Tim was smart, and I was pleased to call him a friend.

We went our separate ways after law school, him to legal practice in Minnesota, later politics and the governorship, I went to Washington, DC. Like my other classmates, I have followed his career with interest.

Tim will be a GREAT candidate and a great vice president. He can appeal to blue-collar folk, evangelicals, young people, and Midwesterners. He is smart, ethical, witty, and tough. Take it from me, Tim is a great choice.

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