Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The FISA reauthorization bill

The Senate passed the FISA surveillance bill yesterday. This is an important piece of legislation that allows electronic surveillance of terror suspects. The House leadership has refused to bring up the bill, even though a majority supports it.

Senator Obama voted AGAINST the bill, and Senator McCain voted FOR it. Senator Clinton did not vote. Clearly, this shows that Obama is unfit for command.

Also today, one of the FBI's ten most wanted terrorists was killed by a car bomb in Damascus. The terrorist was wanted for the 1985 TWA hijacking, the Beirut Marine barracks bombing, and other terrorist acts. It is not clear who killed him--one can hope it was a combination of the CIA and Mossad--but it could just as easily have been the government of Syria, who has used car bombs in the past (e.g. Hariri in Lebanon).

What continues to irritate me is that Nancy Pelosi seems to think that she can engage in solo diplomacy with Assad in Syria--remember her trip to Syria? It undermines American diplomacy when a Congressperson tries to engage in diplomacy with a thug who harbors terrorists.

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