Thursday, February 21, 2008


Barack Obama seems to think that all will be well if we just sit down and talk with our enemies. Although he does not use the word enemies. Apparently he thinks that war is just a misunderstanding between countries.

Michael Ledeen, author of the Iranian Time Bomb, wrote the following on National Review Online today:

"We have been talking to Iran virtually non-stop for nearly 30 years. This most definitely includes the Bush administration, which has used open and back channels, including dispatching former Spanish President Felipe Gonzales to Tehran on our behalf."

"We have been talking to Iran. We are talking to Iran right now. The proposal that we talk to Iran is neither new nor does it represent any change in American policy. There is apparently a great desire to deny the facts in this matter."

"One further point: In his excellent book The Persian Puzzle, Ken Pollack spends many pages on the Clinton administration's many talks with Iran, which failed to produce any positive results. And he concludes that the failure to achieve any breakthrough with the mullahs is not our fault. They don't want good relations with us. They are our enemies...Talking will not improve this situation. They have been at war with us since 1979. Our only options are winning or losing."

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