Monday, January 28, 2008

The gloves come off

From today's Weekly Standard:

"There is a robust debate taking place in ahead of Tuesday's vote [in Florida]. [Yesterday], John McCain accused Mitt Romney (at first without naming him) of favoring a secret timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. Talking to reporters afterward, McCain made the accusation directly. "If we surrender and wave a white flag, like Sen. Clinton wants to do, and withdraw, as Gov. Romney wanted to do, then there will be chaos, genocide and the cost of American blood and treasure would be dramatically higher."

Romney, asked about McCain's comment, denied the accusation and demanded an apology from McCain. McCain, in a statement, then suggested Romney apologize to U.S. troops in Iraq for advocating their withdrawal. "The only people who are owed an apology are the men and women fighting for our country in Iraq, who have a right to expect their leaders to stand by them and their mission not just when it is easy, but when it matters most - when it is hard."

For me, national security issues are the most important issues in the election. McCain was a lonely voice in support of the surge last year, but the success of the surge has proven him right. He stands head and shoulders above the other candidates on national security issues, and that is why I am supporting him.

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