Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Next time sink 'em

Yesterday's incident in the Strait of Hormuz, in which five Iranian speedboats provoked U.S. warships, brought to mind the U.S.S. Cole incident, in which a small al Qaeda speedboat nearly sunk the U.S.S. Cole with explosives. The Cole explosion killed 17 sailors and injured scores in 2000.

Iran was no doubt trying to send a message to President Bush, who leaves this week on a trip to the Middle East.

There is even a suggestion that Iran is trying to get a seat on the U.N. security council.

The region is doubtful about America's commitment to confront Tehran and its nuclear ambitions, but President Bush continues to be determined.

Coming close to U.S. warships in international waters is an unacceptable provocation. Next time, the U.S. Navy should just sink the Iranian ships with well-aimed gunfire.

Update: US Navy video of the incident, from ABC News.

1 comment:

Dave Aronson said...

Agreed. However, at least for now, it also reminds me of the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" -- with a strong possibility of being used for similar purposes.